1 to 5 on 5 groups

  1. Administrators
    These are the administrators of AdminVortex. They work hard to make sure that the site is operation at full strength and they do the tech work and behind the scene work of AdminVortex.
    Status : Closed group
  2. Managers
    The managers are the 2nd hand men and women of the Administrators here at AdminVortex. They have more moderation rights then any other group and have more privileges and are also allowed to become a group moderator of any group other then the Administrato
    Status : Closed group
  3. Moderators
    The Moderators are here to provide general support and make sure that your time here at AdminsRealm is enjoyable. They moderate a variety of boards and also help monitor events and care to all complaints, bugs and ideas. They are also known and ranked as
    Status : Closed group
  4. Designers
    The designers are here to moderate the graphics sections and manage the site gallery. They handle requests, moderate proposals and clean up the graphic section every now and then when it gets filled up.
    Status : Closed group
  5. Reviewers
    The reviewers are here to provide reviews for your websites and also moderate the review sections. All reviews are carefully inspected by the review team and made sure everything is in proper grammar and is checked for copyright before marked complete.
    Status : Closed group
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